Why do I get My Best Ideas in the Shower?
Many of us have heard this famous thought of Albert Einstein. One of the greatest scientists of all time shared with us the moment in which he most often got inspiration. Interestingly, however, he shared this conclusion as a question, which makes us wonder why do we get good ideas when we are in the shower?
Body Relaxation
When we take a shower, our whole bodies get into a state of complete relaxation. The amount of dopamine that our bodies release increases significantly.
This hormone actually triggers more creative thoughts by increasing activity in certain parts of the brain. In addition, it directly affects the way we feel, and thus helps for our good mood. This is one of the reasons why we feel purified and energized after a shower.
Mind Rest
In the shower we are far from all the things that distract us - our phone, our tasks and everything else. For a few minutes, worries remain in the background and our minds can work calmly, without engaging them in unnecessary thoughts. And voila! We have the perfect conditions for generating ideas!
One of the most important conditions, in order to achieve this wonderful state, is in fact to free our mind and give it a well-deserved rest. Think about it, how often do you think about a problem for a long time, but you only find the best solution when you stop thinking about it?
There are many studies that prove the connection between rest and creativity. In one of them, the psychologist Scott Kaufman found that 72% of people get creative ideas in the shower. *
Another important finding from this study is that complete relaxation is extremely important for creative thinking. This means that we do not have to be in the shower to be inspired by a brilliant idea. We can just have a walk alone in the park or do a short meditation. The most important thing is to relax the body and mind.
This complete relaxation can give us invaluable ideas. It is also extremely important, if we want to be fresh, focused and always in shape. And the best part is that in this way we will be able to easily turn our inspiring ideas into reality.
* You can learn more about Dr. Kaufman’s study here.